Aishatu Ado is a Cologne-based visual and literary artist who cultivates imaginaries that reframe, transform, and orient toward enabling peaceful futures. Africanfuturism provides her with a unique perspective to examine narratives of alternative and yet-to-be-known possibilities that empower, uplift, represent, and honor Black experiences in the past, present, and future. In her works, she references postcolonial theory, as well as African and Indigenous cosmovisions as found in mythology, folklore, and oral literature.
The interplay of intricate patterns, inspired by African vernacular, gradations and overlapping elements, lends itself to the distinct sense of kinetic energy and illusionistic depth while developing an idiosyncratic visual vocabulary that is recognizably her own. With compositions that oscillate between figuration and abstraction, Aishatu's work is strikingly nuanced and architecturally complex.
As a peace technologist, Aishatu specializes in AI, VR and NFTs. She explores uncharted territories of human-machine collaboration that led her to delve into the potential of Artificial Intelligence for extending her creativity. As part of her creative experiments, she explores deep learning techniques to embellish her hand-drawn digital illustrations.
Aishatu Ado is a Cologne-based visual and literary artist who cultivates imaginaries that reframe, transform, and orient toward enabling peaceful futures. Africanfuturism provides her with a unique perspective to examine narratives of alternative and yet-to-be-known possibilities that empower, uplift, represent, and honor Black experiences in the past, present, and future. In her works, she references postcolonial theory, as well as African and Indigenous cosmovisions as found in mythology, folklore, and oral literature.
The interplay of intricate patterns, inspired by African vernacular, gradations and overlapping elements, lends itself to the distinct sense of kinetic energy and illusionistic depth while developing an idiosyncratic visual vocabulary that is recognizably her own. With compositions that oscillate between figuration and abstraction, Aishatu's work is strikingly nuanced and architecturally complex.
As a peace technologist, Aishatu specializes in AI, VR and NFTs. She explores uncharted territories of human-machine collaboration that led her to delve into the potential of Artificial Intelligence for extending her creativity. As part of her creative experiments, she explores deep learning techniques to embellish her hand-drawn digital illustrations.